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C-reactive protein-based tuberculosis triage testing: a multi-country diagnostic accuracy study.

Derendinger B, Mochizuki TK, Marcelo D, Shankar, D, Mangeni W, Nguyen H, Yerikaya S, Worodria W, Yu C, Nguyen VN, Christopher DJ, Theron G, Phillips PJP, Nahid P, Denkinger CM, Cattamanchi A, Yoon C. medRxiv [preprint] 2024 April 24:2024.04.23.24305228; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.23.24305228.<

Point-of-care C-reactive protein and Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra for tuberculosis screening and diagnosis in unselected antiretroviral therapy initiators: a prospective, cross-sectional, diagnostic accuracy study.

Reeve BWP, Ndlangalavu G, Mishra H, Palmer Z, Tshivhula H, Rockman L, Naidoo S, Mbu DL, Naidoo CC, Derendinger B, Walzl G, Malherbe ST, van Helden PD, Semitala FC, Yoon C, Gupta RK, Noursadeghi M, Warren RM, Theron G. Lancet Glob Health. 2024 May;12(5):e793-e803. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(24)00052-4. Epub 2024 Apr 4. PMID: 38583458.

Evaluation of the Xpert MTB Host Response assay for the triage of patients with presumed pulmonary tuberculosis: a prospective diagnostic accuracy study in Viet Nam, India, the Philippines, Uganda, and South Africa.

Gupta-Wright A, Ha H, Abdulgadar S, Crowder R, Emmanuel J, Mukwatamundu J, Marcelo D, Phillips PPJ, Christopher DJ, Nhung NV, Theron G, Yu C, Nahid P, Cattamanchi A, Worodria W, Denkinger CM; R2D2 TB Network. Lancet Glob Health. 2024 Feb;12(2):e226-e234. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00541-7. PMID: 38245113.

Solicited Cough Sound Analysis for Tuberculosis Triage Testing: The CODA TB DREAM Challenge Dataset.

Huddart S, Yadav V, Sieberts SK, Omberg L, Raberahona M, Rakotoarivelo R, Lyimo IN, Lweno O, Christopher DJ, Nhung NV, Theron G, Worodria W, Yu CY, Bachman CM, Burkot S, Dewan P, Kulhare S, Small PM, Cattamanchi A, Jaganath D, Lapierre SG. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Mar 28:2024.03.27.24304980. doi: 10.1101/2024.03.27.24304980. PMID: 38585855; PMCID: PMC10996751.


Innovative COVID-19 point-of-care diagnostics suitable for tuberculosis diagnosis: a scoping review protocol.

Yerlikaya S, Holtgrewe LM, Broger T, Isaacs C, Nahid P, Cattamanchi A, Denkinger CM. BMJ Open. 2023 Feb 8;13(2):e065194. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065194. PubMed PMID: 36754560; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9922875.

Bedaquiline resistance in patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis in Cape Town, South Africa: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study. 

Derendinger B, Dippenaar A, de Vos M, Huo S, Alberts R, Tadokera R, Limberis J, Sirgel F, Dolby T, Spies C, Reuter A, Folkerts M, Allender C, Lemmer D, Van Rie A, Gagneux S, Rigouts L, Te Riele J, Dheda K, Engelthaler DM, Warren R, Metcalfe J, Cox H, Theron G. Lancet Microbe. 2023 Dec;4(12):e972-e982. doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(23)00172-6. Epub 2023 Nov 3. PubMed PMID: 37931638; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10842724.

Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra on contaminated liquid cultures for tuberculosis and rifampicin-resistance detection: a diagnostic accuracy evaluation. 

Ghebrekristos YT, Beylis N, Centner CM, Venter R, Derendinger B, Tshivhula H, Naidoo S, Alberts R, Prins B, Tokota A, Dolby T, Marx F, Omar SV, Warren R, Theron G. Lancet Microbe. 2023 Oct;4(10):e822-e829. doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(23)00169-6. Epub 2023 Sep 19. PubMed PMID: 37739001; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC10600950.


Accuracy of Tongue Swab Testing Using Xpert MTB-RIF Ultra for Tuberculosis Diagnosis.

Andama A, Whitman GR, Crowder R, Reza TF, Jaganath D, Mulondo J, Nalugwa TK, Semitala FC, Worodria W, Cook C, Wood RC, Weigel KM, Olson AM, Lohmiller Shaw J, Kato-Maeda M, Denkinger CM, Nahid P, Cangelosi GA, Cattamanchi A. J Clin Microbiol. 2022 Jul 20;60(7):e0042122. doi: 10.1128/jcm.00421-22. Epub 2022 Jun 27. PubMed PMID: 35758702; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9297831.


Automatic cough classification for tuberculosis screening in a real-world environment. 

Pahar M, Klopper M, Reeve B, Warren R, Theron G, Niesler T. Physiol Meas. 2021 Nov 26;42(10). doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ac2fb8. PubMed PMID: 34649231; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8721487.

Conference posters and presentations

TBScience 2023 (part of Union World Lung Health Conference, Paris, France

TBS3A-15: Diagnostic accuracy of plasma lipoarabinomannan (LAM) antibodies in combination with urine LAM in a high TB burden setting

Nakaye M, Grant B, Mochizuki T, Asege L, Nalugwa T, Connelly J, Cattamanchi A, Andama A, R2D2 TB Network study. 2023.

TBS3C-20 Head-to-head comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of TB screening tests: chest-X-ray, Xpert TB host response and C-reactive protein.

Thangakunam B, Crowder R, Dalay V, Dube W, Andama A, Van Nguyen D, Gupta-Wright A, Denkinger C (2023).

TBS3C-25 Open-source data to develop cough-based algorithms for TB: results from the CODA TB DREAM Challenge.

Jaganath D, Huddart S, Golla MM, Nakaye M, Raberahona M, Sieberts S, Burkot S, Grandjean Lapierre S, CODA TB DREAM Challenge Team.

World Conference on Lung Health 2023 of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), Paris, France

EP02-1012-15: Cost-effectiveness of low complexity screening tests in community based TB case-finding.

Brümmer LE, Thompson RR, Malhotra A, Shrestha S, Kendall EA, Andrews JR, Phillips P, Nahid P, Cattamanchi A, Marx FM, Denkinger CM, Dowdy DW. 2023.

OA14-311-16: A multi-country assessment of the feasibility of tongue swab vs. sputum collection for TB testing in children.

Castro R, Wambi P, Luiz J, Nkereuwem E, Kampmann B, Nicol M, Zar H, Jaganath D, Cattamanchi A, Wobudeya E. 2023.

OA16-323-16: A prospective multi-country comparison of automated chest X-ray algorithms for the triage of pulmonary TB.

Sudarsan S, Worodria W, Dalay V, Derendinger B, Thangakunam B, Nguyen HT, Kik SV, Denkinger CM, Cattamanchi A, Christopher D, Jaganath D. 2023.

OA23-377-16: Validating the WHO-integrated treatment decision algorithms for pulmonary TB in high-risk children from three African countries.

Luiz L, Workman L, Castro R, Nkereuwem E, Wambi P, Wobudeya E, Kampman B, Ernst J, Nicol M, Cattamanchi A, Jaganath D, Zar HJ. 2023.